Deploying a smart contract

Walk through on deploying a smart contract to Acala EVM+ using Remix IDE.

Assuming you have already connected Remix IDE to MetaMask and added the Echo smart contract from the Interacting with the deployed smart contracts walk through, we can take a look at how to deploy the Echo smart contract using Remix IDE.

This walk through focuses on specifics of deploying a smart contract to Acala EVM+ using Remix IDE. If you wish to learn more about deploying smart contracts using Remix IDE, please refer to the official documentation.

You should see a scripts folder under your File explorers section. We will be modifying the deploy_ethers.js in this walk through.

As the example smart contract is called Echo, we have to modify the 6th line in the file, so that the value of contractName variable is 'Echo'.

        const contractName = 'Echo'

This finishes up the modifications we need to do to the deploy_ethers.js file. We are now able to run the script, by option-clicking on it in the File explorers menu and selecting the Run option. This will open a MetaMask prompt, where we have to confirm the deploy transaction.

After the deployment transaction is included in a block, we can start interacting with our newly deployed smart contract, just like we did in the Interacting with the deployed smart contracts walk through.

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