Connect to the network

Instructions on how to connect MetaMask to Mandala EVM+ in order to interact with the smart contracts deployed on it.

You can add the network to the MetaMask using the Chainlist service or follow the instructions on how to add the network manually.

Automated process

Follow the link to the network you are trying to add, connect your wallet and the network will be added to your wallet.

Manual process

NOTE: The manual process example connects to the Mandala EVM+. For other networks can substitute the values with any of the values provided at the network configuration section.

In order to be able to interact with the Acala EVM+ in Mandala TC9, you first need to navigate to the Add network section of the MetaMask. You can find it at the bottom of the list of available networks after clicking on the currently active network.

This should open up a form to add a new network to your MetaMask (you might have to unlock MetaMask before it opens). Once the form is opened, use the following information to add the Mandala TC9 network.

Mandala TC9 connection details

Network name

Mandala TC9


Chain ID


Currency symbol


Block Explorer URL

Mandala TC9 should now be connected and you should see your ACA balance (if you already have it).

You might have to bind your MetaMask account to your Substrate account in order to see your balance. Documentation on how to do it is available here.

Last updated